Conferences & Other Things

A story of content creation

I love talking about things I’m passionate about, and I also quite enjoy the feeling of wrapping up all I know about a topic into a talk so others can also learn from my learnings.

I’m not particularly a fan of the actual being-in-front-of-people-with-their-staring-eyes-on-me part of it, but it also feels quite good to overcome that fear every time it’s over.

I’ve spoken and helped organize and mentor on quite a few events, such as Agile Trends, Agile Brazil, Interaction South America, World Usability Day, UXConfBR, many editions of Rails Girls around Brazil, Sustainable UX, Product Camp, and maybe some more.

I also wrote an article for the ThoughtWorks Anthology book and their Insights blog, and I was a tutor for the Product Discovery & Design module of the Product Managers PM3 online course. Find more about it all below.

PM3 – Product Manager Online Course 

I was invited to tutor the Product Discovery and UX module for the PM3 Product Management online course

Design for the behaviour of a sustainable future 

Summary post created by InfoQ Brazil about my talk during UXConfBR 2017

Design and Psychology: Are we manipulating users? 

Design, psicologia e e-commerce: estamos manipulando nosso consumidor?

Summary post created by InfoQ Brazil about my talk during UXConfBR 2016

ThoughtWorks Antologia Brasil (pt-br)

Article about the Mirebalais Hospital project in the ThoughtWorks Anthology Brazil book.

Collaborative Sketching Sessions: a Framework

Collaborative Sketching Sessions: a Framework

A post I wrote about a framework I created for quickly generating solution ideas while involving the entire development team.

Tendências de UX para 2017 (pt-br)

I was invited by KingHost to give my views about what was coming up as trends for UX on 2017.

UX with Natalia Arsand – podcast (pt-br)

Design de experiência com Natalia Arsand - Tecnologicamente Arretado

A chat with Gregório about UX for his podcast “Tecnologicamente Arretado” (pt-br)



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